In Memoriam.
The old order passes away! We had, last week, to our grief, to record another good man who has gone over to the majority. Mr. CHARLES MARRIOTT CALDECOTT was one of a family which he once, on an important occasion described as “sojourners” – they had sojourned at Rugby for generations, and had received benefits from the good old foundation of Lawrence Sheriffe – benefits which they returned tenfold, not only to Rugby and Brownsover, but to England and to civilisation.
Born on the 9th of June, 1807, he was the sixth and youngest son of Abraham Caldecott, J.P., The Lodge, Rugby, lord of the manor by his marriage with Miss Elizabeth Marriott, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Marriott, of Cotesbach, who belonged to an old Leicestershire family. He was entered at Rugby School in August, 1815, during the headmastership of Dr. Wool, and formed associations which engendered a fond regard for the old School frequently shown in after life. At the age of 17 – in 1824 – he went to the East Indian College at Halleybury for two years, where he gained the Bengali and Hindustani prizes in both terms of 1824, and the Persian prize in the last term of the following year. These honours gave him precedence in India before all other writers leaving College, and he received two medals for rapid progress and reported fitness for the public service in the Bengali and Persian languages at the public examination at Fort William College in December, 1826. Entering the Bengal Civil Service at an early age, Mr. Caldecott received an appointment in India; before he was twenty-two years of age he had control, as magistrate and collector of Bareilly, a district and a population larger than Warwickshire. He rose to the occasion and throwing aside frivolities of youth, made himself master of the situation. Of his career in India, it is sufficient to say that Lord Ellenborough, one of the best and greatest of our Governors-General, said he often lamented that Mr. Caldecott ever held property in England, as it deprived him of one of the ablest officers in the North-West provinces of India; and later on, when Rugby was fighting for its rights, Lord Ellenborough remembered his efficient aide-de-camp, and, as all “Indian” men do, stuck to his old comrade. On March 1st, 1827, at Moldspore, in Bengal, he married Miss Margaret Smith (daughter of Thomas Smith, Esq., Physician-General of Bengal), who has survived him. After his marriage he returned to England for a few years, and then going finally left India about the year 1843, and came to settle down on the Holbrook Estate, lying in the parishes of Newbold, Long Lawford, and Little Lawford, which had been left to him by his uncle John, who died in 1839.
There are not many amongst us who remember the joy-bells ringing to welcome the young squire – as he was then – and his bride, but there was a welcome given to them which will never be forgotten by those who saw and heard it. Alas! they are now few and far between. Then Mr. Caldecott settled down into the position he loved and which he filled to perfection, that of an English country gentleman, Holbrook became the centre of culture, of kindness, and of charity for all the country round, as Lawford, Newbold, and Rugby can testify.
In social life Mr. Caldecott approached perfection. He could hold his own with the best in the land, and did so; he was always “at home,” whether amongst what is known as “the aristocracy,” “the county people” as the phrase goes, the farmers, the tradesmen, or the labourers – he knew them all, and had always the ready and right word for each. His wit was a talent, playful always, severe and incisive when occasion called for it, but never with malice prepense. Some old friends still cherish pleasant recollections of the enjoyable gatherings at Holbrooke of the elite of the county three decades ago, when the festivities would commence with the good old English pastime of archery, and conclude with a dance – eighty county families joining hands. His genial presence was sought at all social gatherings, and as long ago as memory will carry us the Rugby Hunt Ball was not considered complete unless Mr. Caldecott was there as a guest or a steward. He was one of the promoters of the Rugby Club, formed in 1865, and took the leading part in its management. In 1877 he celebrated his golden wedding in a quiet way, and received a very large number of presents from his large circle of friends.
All many sports Mr. Caldecott loved; many a time he joined us at cricket – once against the All England Eleven; many another he stood umpire, or an interested spectator; and when the Old Rugbeian matches came on, who so proud and delighted as he was! As long as health permitted the “kick off” in the Old Rugbeian football match was his privilege never gainsaid, although the “stripes” had long been laid aside. Then, watching the game in the goalkeepers’ territory, he would chat with old schoolfellows, and if he had a chance of a kick, where was the Old Rugbeian who would deprive him of it. “Caldecott’s Spinney” is known all over the world, and thanks to “Tom Brown,” and the Squire of Holbrook, will be known and remembered for generations to come of real Rugbeians. Archery was ever a favourite pastime, and as an old member of the Woodmen of Arden he officiated as judge at the annual archery meetings at Leamington from the year 1851 till 1881. The grand national meeting which took place at Shrubland Hall, Leamington, in 1882 was the last he attended, but he was then too unwell to undertake the arduous duties of judge. Few bowmen have made a higher mark or gained greater esteem among the Archers of England for his courtesy, geniality, and thorough knowledge of the pursuit. Foxhunting he encouraged and admired, but we do not recollect that he ever followed the sport in the saddle.
But Mr. Caldecott’s gifts were not to be limited to a narrow sphere of pleasure. Personal attributes, embracing keenness of perception, shrewdness, inexhaustible energy and industry, combined with an ever ready vein of humour and repartee, were freely used in steady effort to do good to others. But Mr. Caldecott, if we have read his character aright, never posed as a philanthropist; utilitarianism seemed to be his guiding principle, if the manifold public duties he took upon himself may be regarded as an indication; and even those who generally differed from him will admit that he was a most useful man – publically and socially. Mr. Caldecott was appointed a magistrate for the county of Warwick in June, 1840, two years before “the county of the city of Coventry” was severed by Act of Parliament from the county of Warwick, and a separate Commission of the Peace granted thereto. On September 17th, 1852, he was granted a Deputy-lieutenant along with Mr. Allesley Boughton-Leigh and the late Mr. J. Beech and Mr. J. Atty; and when he filled the office of High Sheriff of the county in 1863, there was no man, even in Warwickshire, and that is saying a great deal, who bore the honours with more becoming dignity. His knowledge of law, and experience made him invaluable to the Rugby Bench and at Quarter Sessions. He was the senior magistrate at Rugby, and was an example of fairness and moderation. In an importance case, or one where public interests were involved, Mr. Caldecott was generally one of the adjudicating magistrates; and until recently he always made a point of attending the Special Sessions for appointing parish officials, for the revision of the jury lists, and for the granting of licenses. He was a member of the County Licensing Board, and, with regard to licensing generally, he favoured a judicious restraint upon the multiplication of licenses, but never turned a deaf ear to the voice of reasonable necessity. To give an adequate idea of what Mr. Caldecott has done for the county would be impossible here; some conception of the work he did may be made from the fact that he was one of the visiting justices of the County Gaol, one of the first committee of visitors of Hatton Lunatic Asylum, and a member of the following committees: – Finance, Police, County Buildings, Cattle Disease, County Rate, Highways, Weights and Measures, and Vagrancy. One thing, however, we may mention – the county is indebted to Mr. Caldecott for the plan of adding to the Executive (Cattle Disease) Committee several leading farmers in the county; and of deputing most of the power of the Executive Committee to local sub-committees in the several Petty Sessional Divisions, composed partly of the most influential farmers in each division – a plan which has contributed largely to the successful working of the Act in this county. In matters of finance he was especially at home, and it may safely be said that every detail in connection with the finances of the county was, to use a homely phrase, at his “finger ends.” At the time of his death only five county magistrates were living who received their appointments before Mr. Caldecott, namely, Rev. G. R. Gray, appointed 1831; Sir J. Eardley Wilmot, 1837; Lord Norton, 1839; Mr. Newdegate, M.P., 1839; and the Earl of Warwick, 1840.
In politics Mr. Caldecott was an adherent to the Conservative cause, and although he was always warmly supported the candidate of Messrs. Newdegate and Spooner – and in later years Mr. Bromley-Davenport his opponents could not say he was bigoted, because he never hesitated to express his approval or disapproval of a measure before the country, no matter who brought it forward, or to criticise what he considered to be an omission on the part of the Government in power. As a consequence he not unfrequently found himself in hot water; but no man knew better how to get out of it again without compromising his opinions or his independent character. When the late Richard Spooner died, the vacant seat for North Warwickshire was offered to Mr. Caldecott, and he would have been returned without doubt if he had consented to a nomination. He did not, but showed good and sufficient reasons – thirteen children affording many reasons – why he could not do as he wished. Nevertheless, he has been a power, indeed a leader, in Warwickshire on the side he loved so well, holding to what was good and and where improvement could be made, going strongly for that improvement. In fact, a good and true Conservative – one who had faith that the House of Lords would never prove an obstacle to sensible legislation.
A landowner and practical agriculturist Mr. Caldecott entered carefully into the manifold and vexed questions affecting the land. For forty years he advocated what he considered to be the main point – the security of the tenant for unexhausted improvements, and his last publicly expressed opinion on the subject in 1880 was that legislature should make that the basis of operation in amending the present state of agriculture; but without the help of Providence in the shape of more propitious seasons, and a mutual regard for the interests of each other, even Act of Parliament would not raise them from the slough. The unequal incidence of local taxation was also a matter upon which he felt strongly. As a landlord he was not much in favour of cropping restrictions, and considered that many of the difficulties between landlord and tenant were increased by London lawyers, who came down to receive the rents for their employers, and then went back again. He could not, however, see what tenants should expect the landlords to forego interest on their present capital, because very often there were many responsibilities attached to the ownership of the land which the landlord could not avoid. To detail all that he has done, for what he considered to be the best interests of agriculture, there is not space here, but among other matters we may mention that he was a member of the Warwickshire Agricultural Society for a period of 45 years, and during that long time rendered most valuable services as chairman of committees and vice-president, and latterly as a member of the Council. “HIs advice was always looked up to and appreciated as most sound and judicious, and given with so much courtesy of manner, as to command universal respect,” are the words of one who has worked with him throughout the 45 years. The deceased gentleman was one of the first members of the Warwickshire Chamber of Agriculture, which was established in 1866 or 67, and took a great interest in all that went on. He filled in turn the president’s chairs, and till his health failed was generally the representative of the Chamber at the Central Chamber in London. For 25 years he acted as one of the stewards of the Birmingham Agricultural Exhibit Society. Of all the annual events, either at home or elsewhere in the county, which Mr. Caldecott made a point of attending, we believe he anticipated none with greater pleasure than the annual show and dinner of the Rugby and Dunchurch Conservative Association, of which he was one of the oldest and warmest supporters. For 33 years he chairman of the committee, at whose meetings he was a regular attendant. Whenever the noble president was unable to preside at the annual dinner, Mr. Caldecott was selected for the honour; and he occupied the chair at the gatherings of 1879 and 1880, the last, unfortunately, he was able to attend. He had in the latter years listened with one exception to the speeches of Mr. C. N. Newdegate for 34 years, and those of Mr. Bromley-Davenport for 17 years; and none knew how to bring our representatives more delicately to book when occasion required, or to express the feelings of the constituency when commendation was deserved.
With matters connected solely with the local government of the town of Rugby Mr. Caldecott did not actively identify himself, although he was ever anxious for its material and moral well-being. But he earned the undying gratitude of residents in Rugby and the vicinity by the hard contest he led to save the rights of the foundationers of Rugby School. When the fight came on, for the rights of Rugby children as bequeathed by old Lawrence Sheriff, Mr. Caldecott led the van, and did good service. Before Body swept away free education from Rugby, most likely for ever.
As Chairman of the Guardians for many years he was always able to keep in order and direct a somewhat unruly body of men; and on his retirement some years ago he was entertained to dinner and presented with a handsome testimonial. For a considerable period the deceased gentleman was Chairman of the turnpike commissioners for the Rugby and Lutterworth, Hinckley, Kilworth, and Warwick roads, and his extensive knowledge of the Highway and Turnpike Acts made him a leading authority among his colleagues. He was decidedly opposed to the abolition of turnpikes, being of opinion that the people who used the main roads should contribute to their maintenance.
Mr. Caldecott served on the Board of Directors of the Rugby Gas Company for about ten years – since the year 1873 – and his business capacity and sound advice was a valuable guide fully appreciated by his fellow-directors and the officials of the Company; and this was especially the case in the re-constitution of the Company recently by Act of Parliament. He was appointed director and the first chairman of the Rugby Town Hall Company in 1854, but resigned the chairmanship in March, 1855, and was succeeded by the late Mr. J. A. Campbell. On Mr. Campbell’s retirement in March, 1862, Mr. Caldecott was reappointed, and continued in office until ill-health compelled him to resign in March, 1883. He was also a trustee of the company.
When the Volunteer movement commenced in 1859, Mr. Caldecott, anxious that his native county should not be behind hand in showing its patriotism, was very energetic in beating up for recruits in Rugby, and he had the pleasure of handing to the Lord Lieutenant of the county the third list of names (only Coventry and Birmingham were before us) of volunteers who eventually were approved as a corps, and received the cognomen of the “3rd Warwickshire Rifle Volunteers.” The corps continued till his death to receive his cordial support and admiration; the prize list was annually augmented by a liberal subscription, and whenever possible he attended the annual dinner either as chairman or visitor. Scarcely a battalion prize meeting passed at Stoneleigh without his presence. either to support his friend, Lord Leigh, in the presentation of the prize, or to distribute them himself. The School corps too, enjoyed his good friendship. and frequently, in the earlier days of the movement, his hospitality.
There may be some, but they are not many, who remember that Mr. Caldecott, at a period some thirty years ago, took an active interest in Oddfellows’ Friendly Societies – the Lawrence Sheriff and Addison Lodges – established about that time. As an administrator of the Poor Law, he saw their usefulness, and accordingly extended not only moral support by presiding at many of the then annual dinners, but his material support. In point of fact he was initiated an honorary life member of the Addison Lodge at a meeting held at the Horse Shoes Hotel, on October 2nd, 1850, and he claimed to be a brother to the last.
The poor people of Lawford were well cared for by Mr. Caldecott, and it was due to his foresight and judicious advice that the cottagers are now able to occupy their allotments at a merely nominal rent to defray expenses. The incubus of the School Board would also have been avoided had his proposal and offer with regard to the provision of needed accommodation been supported.
The malady which defied the most eminent physicians, and gradually caused his death, commenced between two and three years ago. Gradually he was compelled to relinquish his public duties, but he bore his illness with characteristic fortitude; and although in later stages his suffering must have been intense, his cheerfulness never forsook him, and his useful, busy life came peacefully to an end at noon on Friday, the 29th inst.
By his marriage with the lady who is now his widow, Mr. Caldecott had eight sons and five daughters; and of the sons three are not more. His eldest son, Col. C. T. Caldecott (76th Regt.), J.P., born in 1831, succeeds him.
We shall all miss Mr. Caldecott, the whole County will miss him, but none will more truly lament his death than our senior representative, Mr. Newdegate, for between the two there has been a life-long intimacy, now so unfortunately broken.
Some particulars of the family of the deceased gentleman will, no doubt, interest our readers. On May 23, 1682, a Mr. Thomas Caldecott, of Catthorpe, in the county of Leicester, entered at the Herald’s College, London, what Armerad in his History of Cheshire calls a curious certificate of one Randolph Caldecott, D.D., of Chester, but then of Bishopstone, in the county of Wilts, aged 80, stating “that he had then heard and faithfully believes that Thomas Caldecott, of Catthorpe, in the county of Leicester, Esq., is descended from our foresaid family.” To this certificate Dr. Caldecott appended his hand and seal as the only surviving son of Thomas Caldecott, of Caldecott, who was living at the Visitation of 1613, and this certificate was duly entered with the pedigree and arms of Thomas Caldecott in the Herald’s Visitation of 1682, in continuation and addition to the Visitation of 1619. Without this certificate there was nothing to show that the family of our late and lamented magistrate, Mr. Charles Marriott Caldecott, of Holbrook Grange, Little Lawford, was descended, from the ancient Cheshire family, who were [mesne] lords of the parish from whence they took their names, when Edward the Confessor left this realm, as a bone of contention between Harold, the Saxon, and William, the Norman. There had been members of the family living in Berks and Oxon at divers periods, as show in Nichols’ History of Leicestershire. One Thomas Caldecott had been High Sheriff of Rutlandshire in 1515 and in 1525, and his son, also named Thomas, purchased the Manor of Catthorpe (singularly misspelt Calthorpe in Burke), and married Abigal, the daughter of John Huggeford, of Henwood Hall, Warwickshire, a family long resident of Emscote, and whose descendants held part of Lillington, Guy’s Cliff, and Leamington up to a recent period. His son, Thomas, appeared to be living at Northampton at the time of the Herald’s Visitation in 1682, and a fourth, Thomas, who died in 1761, lived for some years at Leicester. His son, a fifth Thomas, was Recorder of Northampton, but died without issue. The family estates then came into possession of William Caldecott, who married for his second wife, Anna, the widow of William Boughton, Esq., of Rugby – a connection of the unfortunate Sir Theodosius Boughton, of Little Lawford Hall, for whose murder by poison Captain Donellan was executed at Warwick, at the latter end of the last century. After Little Lawford Hall was pulled down, the manor was sold by Sir E. Boughton in 1793 to John Caldecott, who built Holbrook Grange in the parish, and made it the seat of his family. When he died in 1839 without issue, he left his estate to this nephew, the late Charles Marriott Caldecott, whose loss we at this time deplore. Abraham Caldecott, the deceased gentleman’s father, who was High Sheriff of Warwickshire in 1821, had purchased the Manor of Rugby in 1801, and enlarged his estate by the purchase of divers lands in the county of Northants. His eldest son Thomas, who died in 1875, succeeded him, and on his decease Mr. C. M. Caldecott became the head of the family. In religion Mr. Caldecott was a Churchman, and founded and endowed the chapel of ease at Lawford.
In recognition of the loss, and for the purpose of passing a vote of confidence with Mr. Caldecott’s widow and family, a special meeting of the Council of the Birmingham Agricultural Exhibition Society was held on Saturday. Mr. John Lowe, who presided, after referring in feeling terms to the services the deceased gentleman had rendered to the society as a steward and to the Council of the Birmingham Agricultural Exhibition Society profoundly deplores the death of Mr. C. M. Caldecott, whose long and distinguished services in connection with agriculture, and especially with this society, will ever be held in remembrance, and that this meeting desires to convey to his widow and family their sincere condolence with them in their sad bereavement.” – Mr. George cordially concurred in its terms. He had known Mr. Caldecott since he was a Rugby boy, and during that long period had entertained for him the greatest esteem and respect. As a magistrate for the county of Warwick there was scarcely anyone who gave up his time more freely and thoroughly to the public service than did their old friend Mr. Caldecott. Certainly there would be no magistrate who would be more deeply and generally missed than he would be, not only in his own neighbourhood but in the county generally. His loss to the Exhibition Society was extremely great. – Other gentlemen expressed their concurrent feelings, and the resolution was then carried and the meeting terminated.
The interment took place on Wednesday afternoon in the churchyard adjoining the parish church at Newbold-on-Avon, in the presence of a large number of spectators, who had assembled from the country round. Minute directions given by Mr. Caldecott before he died were implicitly observed, and the funeral was conducted with quiet simplicity, and yet in a manner that showed how greatly the deceased gentleman was esteemed. Shortly before two o’clock – the funeral being fixed for 2.30 – a few old and close acquaintances, Mr. M. H. Bloxam, F.S.A., the Rev. E. Elmhirst (rector of Shawell), the Rev. W. H. Beun (rector of Churchover), Mr. E. Harris (the family solicitor), Mr. Charles Marriott, Mr. J. H. Benn, Mr. A. S. Benn, Mr. G. S. Benn, and Mr. T. Duke (the medical attendant), assembled at Holbrook Grange by special invitation – it was impossible to invite everyone of the wide circle of friends Mr. Caldecott had throughout the county, nor was it his desire. The coffin was placed in a plain hearse, and following it were five mourning coaches. The first conveyed Mrs. Caldecott, Col. Caldecott, and Mrs William Ridding; the second, Capt J. Caldecott, Miss Caldecott, and the Misses M. and E. Caldecott; the third, Mr. Bloxam, the Rev. W. H. Benn, Mr. E. Harris, and Mr. C. Marriott; the fourth, the Rev. E. Elmhirst and the Messrs. Benn; and the fifth, Mr. T. Duke; then came the family carriage occupied by the domestic servants. The tenantry consisting of Messrs. F. Ferriman, G. T. Spokes, T. D. Moxon, T. Redley, W. Rogers, W. Hutchins, S. Harrow, and W. Chester, arranged themselves next, and then followed private carriages sent by Mr. R. Pennington, Mr. Washington Jackson, the Rev. T. W. Jex-Blake, D.D., Capt. Lister Kaye, Mr. C. W. Wilcox, and Mr. T. Duke. In this order the cortege passed by the circuitous route of two miles through the park and by Little Lawford Mill to Newbold – distant about half a mile from Holbrook, as the crow flies – there being no more convenient way for vehicles. When a short distance from Newbold, between thirty and forty cottages on the estate met and entered the procession behind the tenantry, none evincing deeper feelings of sorrow and respect than they. At the church gate a large number of local gentry and tradesmen from Rugby had assembled, and drawn up on either side of the footpath, inside the gate, was the E Company of the Rugby detachment of Volunteers, abour fifty strong, in full dress, and officered by Capt. Seabroke, Lieut. Over, and Surgeon Dukes. – The coffin, which was carried upon a bier, and covered with a black pall, was met at the inner gate by the Rev. D. Wauchope, rector of Church Lawford, and the Rev. J. Rochford, curate of Newbold, by whom the burial service was read. The order of the chief mourners was as follows:- Col. Caldecott and Mrs. Caldecott, Capt. J. Caldecott and Mrs. W. Ridding, Mr. C. Marriott and Miss Caldecott, Rev. W. H. Benn and Miss M. Caldecott, Rev. Elmhirst and Miss E. Caldecott, Mr. E. Harris and Miss Caldecott (Bitteswell), sister of the deceased, and the only survivor of the generation, Mrs. and Miss Caldecott (the Lodge, Rugby), Mrs. E. Harris, the Misses Harris, and Mr. C. F. Harris, Miss Winstanley, Miss Edyvean, Miss Walker, Mr. J. M. Marriott, and Mr. C. N. Newdegate, M.P. Following the cottagers we noticed Mr. P. A. Muntz, J. P., Mr. R. H. Wood, J. P., the Rev. Morgan Payler (Willey), Rev. R. O. Assheton (Bilton), Rev. Randolph Skipwith (Whilton), Rev. J. Murray, Rev. T. W. Jex-Blake, D. D., Rev R. Wood (Harboro’ Magna), Rev. J. M. Furness, Rev. C. Elsee (chairman of the Rugby Local Board of Health), Rev. J. A. Cheese (New Bilton), Major General Tower, C. B., Col. Lowndes, Col. Furness, Capt. Lovett, Capt. Sapte, Mr. T. Levett, Mr. W. Sargent, Mr. F. G. Sadd, Mr. H. W. Bucknill, Mr. D. Buchanan, Mr. W. H. W. Townsend, Mr. G. V. Hefford, Mr. J. Crofts, Mr. R. S. Lea. The Rugby Gas Company was represented by Messrs. J. Haswell, J. S. Savage, T. Bromwich, W. Cropper, A. J. Lawrence, A. G. Chamberlain, T. M. Wratislaw, J. B. Over, and P. Simpson, some of whom are also directors of the Town Hall Company. There were also present Messrs. J. Horn, son., J. Horn, jun., W. R. Line, T. W. Walding, H. Markham, A. R. Cox, S. Welldon, J. Alcott, J. Price, T. Hands, T. White, J. Stanway, R. Taylor, S. Howard, S. Spencer, S. Underwood, W. J. Atkinson, E. Landon, C. H. Hands, R. T. Simpson, Lockington, V. W. H. Redfern, H. Meadows, J. Braddock, E. Fell, J. W. Kenning, J. Hough, T. F. Dyson, F. C. Thornton, L. Hards, Rd. Over, H. E. Gilbert, R. Parker, G. H. Salmon, T. Porter, Jonathan Gilbert, and others; and finally Supt. Palmer and a small body of sergeants and men, representing the police force. While the service in church was being read the volunteers were marched round to the south door, and again formed up on each side of the path, the procession passing between the ranks as it left the church. The family vault was not made use of, but a spot was selected for the grave in the south corner of the churchyard near the fence, which is almost on the brink of the steep bank, at the bottom of which, some forty or fifty feet below, runs the River Avon, along whose course throughout the county the deceased gentleman had formed so many pleasant associations. Here, still following Mr. Caldecott’s instructions, an ordinary brick grave was constructed, wherein his body, enclosed in a shell and a plain polished oak coffin, with substantial brass furniture, found its last resting place. An engraved brass plate bore the inscription, “Charles Marriott Caldecott, died Nov. 30, 1883, aged 76 years.” Upon the lid of the coffin was placed a most beautiful cross of flowers sent by Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris and family, and several wreaths. Similar tributes of sympathy and esteem were sent by Mr. and Mrs. Spokes, Mr and the Misses Blackwood, Miss Daisy Caldecott, Mr and Mrs Ireby Fisher and Mrs. Spooner, Mr. J. H. Boughton Leigh, the Misses Fuzeby, Mrs John Kinahan, Mr. G. Caldecott, Master F. Caldecott, Mrs. Dixon, Miss Edyvean and Miss Walker, Mrs. and Miss Winstanley, Mrs. Joseph Crossley, the Messrs. Benn, Mrs. Thoyts, Mr. and Mrs. de Trafford, the Rev. and Mrs. Theodosius Boughton Leigh, Major-General and Mrs. Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Gore, Mrs. Wood (Newbold Revel), Miss St. John Butler, Mrs. Armand Powlett, and Mr. and Mrs. Pennington. The concluding words of the burial service were impressively read by the officiating clergy, amid the respectful silence of a large gathering of spectators, numbering nearly a thousand, who then slowly separated. The whole of the funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. J. B. and C. W. Hands, Market Place, Rugby, and the coffin was made by Mr. W. H. Over, High Street, Rugby.
From two to three o’clock most of the tradesmen in Rugby closed their shops, and blinds were drawn down at the houses of most of the private residents; and the Church and School bells were tolled.
Rugby Advertiser – Saturday 08 December 1883, Page 3
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