Will of Henry Caldicott b1796 – Edgbaston Printer
Here is a transcription of the will of Henry Caldicott, eldest surviving son of John Caldicott and Sarah Payne. I the undersigned Henry Caldicott hereby convey over to my beloved wife Martha Caldicott all my right and interest in all property that may accrue to me under my Father’s will Mr John Caldicott of Frederick… Continue reading
Thomas Caldecott b1743 – Greenhouse Plans
Here are the plans for a greenhouse to built in the pleasure garden of Thomas Caldecott in his home in Dartford, Kent. The plans were drawn up by George Tod c1807. The notes read – PLATE V. A Green-house built for THOMAS CALDECOTT, Esq.IN HIS PLEASURE-GARDEN, DARTFORD, KENT. There is a small enclosed building at… Continue reading
Obituary of Charles Marriott Caldecott b1807
In Memoriam. The old order passes away! We had, last week, to our grief, to record another good man who has gone over to the majority. Mr. CHARLES MARRIOTT CALDECOTT was one of a family which he once, on an important occasion described as “sojourners” – they had sojourned at Rugby for generations, and had… Continue reading
Will of Anne Dyes b1718 (Wife of Underhill Coldciott)
Ann Coldicote of Chapel Honeybourne in the County of Gloucester Widow being of sound Mind Memory and Understanding. Do for the settling my Worldly affairs make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner following. First I give to my Daughter Ann Sharp One Guinea to be paid her and at the End… Continue reading
Will of Underhill Coldicott b1712
Underhill Coldicote of Cow Honeybourne in the County of Gloucester Husbandman being of sound mind memory and understanding. Do for the settling my worldly affairs make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner following. First I give devise and bequeath to my loving wife Ann all and singular ny Household Goods, furniture,… Continue reading
Annie Merry b1855 (Wife of Richard Botham Caldicott) – Obituary
DEATH OF MRS. A. CALDICOTT LIFELONG ASSOCIATIONS WITH THE CATHEDRAL AN ENTHUSIASTIC WORKER FOR THE HOSPITAL The death occurred at her residence, Croft Gate, Queen’s Road, Coventry, on Friday last week, in her 80th year, of Mrs. Annie Caldicott, widow of Mr. Richard Botham Caldicott. Mrs. Caldicott, who had been in ill-health for some years,… Continue reading
Colonel Richard Caldicott b1827 – Obituary
DEATH OF COL. CALDICOTT. This morning, at three o’clock, the death took place of Colonel Richard Caldicott at his residence at Coundon. The deceased gentleman was in his 70th year. The immediate cause of death was failure of the heart’s action, though several complications entered into his complaint. The Colonel contracted a chill about a… Continue reading
Sir John de Caldecote – Priest of Cellet’s Chantry, The Church of Holy Trinity, Coventry
The Church of the Holy Trinity Cellet’s Chapel The account of this chantry given by Dugdale is extremely brief. He says it was founded in the time of Edward III., by William Cellet, for one priest to sing mass daily, for his soul and the souls of his parents; and that in the 37th of… Continue reading
Memo from Joseph C. Coldicott Leather Manufacturer Wellingborough 1914
Joseph C ColdicottLeather Manufacturer & MerchantBroad Street Wellingborough March 25th 1914Messrs W.E. & J. Pebody LtdOlney Dear Sirs, I am pleased you have made such a good price of your split, I shall not fear any competition. You must have sent me a very poor sample of the Butt Splits, there were but few and… Continue reading
The Caldicott One-Name Study
This website contains all my research for my One-Name Study based around the surname Caldicott and all of its variants. There are genealogies, biographies, obituaries and interesting histories and trends surrounding the surname. My study is registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies. I would welcome your comments, contributions, family stories or documents or photos which may be useful to the research. Thanks for visiting.
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A group for anyone worldwide with an interest in the surname CALDICOTT and its variants CALDECOTT, COLDICOTT, CALDICUTT and others.
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Recent Posts
- Will of Henry Caldicott b1796 – Edgbaston Printer
- Thomas Caldecott b1743 – Greenhouse Plans
- Elsie May Caldicott b1888 – Nurse and Missionary
- Obituary of Charles Marriott Caldecott b1807
- Will of Anne Dyes b1718 (Wife of Underhill Coldciott)
It’s great to see photos of our ancestors as it helps to bring them to life! If you have any photos of any ancestors bearing the Caldicott surname or variations then please consider sharing them with me for this study. Send any copies of photos of individuals, gravestones, certificates or anything else by email.
Do you have any information about Caldicotts, the surname or any of its variations you can share?
Please get in touch with me.
Email Melanie Caldicott with your stories, family tree information or any questions.